Monday, December 12, 2016

Traffic: is there a solution?!

While living in Germany, I only had a car for a few months, and I still was able to travel from city to city comfortably, and it was affordable! Can you imagine doing that around Utah County? The buses take FOR.EV.ER! So after coming home from Germany, I had a lot of questions about public transportation, and why the U.S. didn't have a major Public Transit System. I was (and still am) incredibly irritated by traffic! Especially coming to and from College! Oh it is awful at almost any time of the day! My English Professor gave me the perfect opportunity for me to research this topic with one of the essays that we did this semester!

One day me and my friend Kaitlin were going home from College for the weekend, and the traffic was awful! I asked her about it last week! She looked at me in frustration and just said "Ugh! It was such a waste of time!" I then asked her how long it took to get home vs. how long it should have taken us. "Well, it should have taken us 2 hours, but instead it took us 4! We were barley moving! It was awful!"

We proceeded to have a conversation about how there wasn't even anything super majorly wrong that day. No major accidents, no bad weather, etc. It was however rush hour, and a few other events were happening in Salt Lake. Making the traffic extremely worse than usual. While researching this topic, I found that an average American wastes about $2000 yearly by just waiting in traffic. I asked Kaitlin if she knew how much money she was loosing in traffic yearly. "I don't even want to know how much money i'm losing!" She exclaimed. It's a scary thought! As a college student, $2000 almost means a whole semester of college paid for! 

I also talked to my uncle about this problem. He had commuted from Payson to Salt Lake City for about 8 years, and recently got a job in Provo. I asked him a few questions about his experience with commuting. To go to work it took him about 40-45 minuets, however, on the way home it always took about 60 minuets. And if that wasn't bad enough, it would take longer as the seasons changed to winter. People drive slower when the weather is worse, and it would be dark when he was on his way home. With no traffic, the commute to work would be only 40 minuets. 

I can recall my driving experience in Germany. When we used our car, (which wasn't very often actually) we never once got stuck in traffic. We even drove in Berlin, the Capitol of Germany. In the city, it was busy, but no delays because of traffic. I was never frustrated with construction or traffic while driving to other cities. 

This picture is a normal day in Berlin in just about the heart of the City at the Victory Collumn! 

So why is it so different in Germany? Why is there little to no traffic, while here, we experience it almost every time we drive? I decided to ask my friend Lucy, who was born and raised in Germany, some questions about her family and what they have done for transportation. She explained that her family has only owned a car once, and that it was for a very short amount of time!  The rest of her life she has taken buses and trains. She expressed that the trains are usually very punctual, only ever being about two minuets late. "You can get almost everywhere with trains. The only places you can't reach are the small villages but even those are reachable if you press a button in the train." I believe that this is why Germany has hardly any traffic!  If you can get to anywhere you need to on a train tha is easily accessible and affordable, then why drive a car?

We greet you on the longest train platform in Germany!

Having experienced Germany's transportation system firsthand, it brought me to the question of.... Well why in the world doesn't the US have this kind of transportation system? Many people believe it to be money, or the geography of America. Through research however, I found that it may be for a different reason entirely! U.S. cities are not laid out in favor of public transportation systems! Staff writer for Vox, Joseph Stromberg, states "Most of our (USA) cities and suburbs were built out after the 1950's, when the car became the dominant mode of transportation. Consequently, we have sprawling, auto-centric metropolises that just can't be easily served by public transportation." He continues by explain how Highways, curvy roads, and cul-de-sacs would make it difficult to reach bus stops, metro stations,and other destinations on foot. However, think of cities built before 1950's! New York, San Francisco, and Chicago all have a grid system making it possible for public transportation. 

So if public transportation isn't the answer for traffic, then what is? the most interesting, and most plausible solution that I came across was self driving cars! I know, sounds crazy! But check this video out!! It explains how self driving work, and how they will help out with traffic! One of my concerns while researching this topic was that every solution that I found would mean a major culture change for the United States, however, that's not the case with this solution! We would be able to go about our everyday lives, just as we would have before. Driving cars. As these cars become more popular, we should see a decrease in traffic. However, this solution will take a few years or decades to make an indent in traffic. As average citizen, we have the potential to help solve the problem in our own personal ways! For example, we can do simple things, such as use the public transportation accessible for us, we can also carpool to work and school! Even something as simple as paying attention to when the car ahead of you is accelerating can help with congestion! 

If you ever get the chance to go to Germany, or other European countries, don't be afraid to take advantage of their pubic transportation systems and notice how cultures can vary even just because their cities were built at different times! 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Catching Up

Playing Catch up!

I decided to update my blog for a few reasons, and to be honest the first reason is just cause I've always wanted a blog! Secondly, because for my final English project I needed to put something out there for the public, and what better way to do that then through an already existing blog that I have? Thirdly, I'm TERRIBLE... I mean just horrible at keeping a journal. So I figured that to make it a little more fun for myself I'll put some of my thoughts and feelings about life in general here.

As a starter, I obviously haven't filled anyone in since I came home from my mission. I got home from a full time LDS mission in Berlin, Germany the last week in April. (There is a link on the right side to see what that mission is still up to!) As I'm sure most of you have heard from me, and as you can see from my last email that I sent home, my mission changed me in more ways than I can express. I know that going on a mission was exactly what I was supposed to. Just as I knew I needed to go, I knew that I had to come home. A lot of people say.... "My mission was the best time of my life!" "The best 2 Years (18 months)!"... And I do believe that, at least up to that point. The thing is, missions are growth spurts! They hurt, they ache, and they happen quickly! But they make you grow into what you were meant to become. A mission is preparing you to have the best rest of your life that you can have. I had a missionary couple on my mission, the husband was a retired rocket scientist. He gave me an analogy that has stuck with me. He explained that before my mission I was just the rocket, sitting on the launch pad. On my mission, I got my engine started, warming it up, making preparations for take off. However, I wouldn't take off until I came home!

I've been home now for about 7 months! (7!! Crazy!) When I got home, I got a job about a week later at DishOne! This was the first job that I didn't dread going to! My Co-Workers made it so fun to go to work every day! I worked there, full time, from May until the end of August.

On top of working I made sure to take advantage of my new "no curfew" rule and don't think I came home before midnight any night that I was out with friends! (I"m sure my parents loved me for that one!) I am also pretty lucky with the fact that many of my mission companions live extremely close to me! Many of the missionaries from my mission would get together every week and have a movie night! 

I did also go on dates (scary thing for returned missionaries!) and had a great time on all of them!As the summer went on more and more of my guy friends from Highschool started getting back off of their missions!

I decided to go to Utah State University while on my mission. Luckily, I had deferred my acceptance to a few college's so there wasn't much prep with me going to school when I got back. And thanks to my mom,, I had NO stress for getting registered for classes and housing! She was awesome and took care of that while I was on my mission! I left for Utah State on Wednesday, Aug. 24th. I remember this day because this was the same day we dropped my brother off at the MTC. To say the least, it was a rough day, with many tears. I would not really recommend sending your best friend on a mission, and leaving your family all in the same day. However, we did it, and I made it up to Logan, got my dorm all settled, met my roommates and found my way around campus. It was pretty weird to do stuff on my own, I found myself wishing I had a companion like on the mission, that would just be with me all the time! However, I lucked out and quickly became close friends with Kaitlin, who I knew a little bit from school! 

Well, I only made it about three days till I came home for the first time! Ha! Just kidding! .... Kind of. I had planned on it. One of my really good friends came home from his mission the week before I left for College. It was his homecoming and he talked me into coming ALL THE WAY back down for it. It took some convincing, but I did, I came back home 3 days after going up to college.
(please notice how I'm on my toes! hehe!)

Looking back, I'm sure glad he convinced me to come back, because about three weeks later he convinced me to be his girlfriend. In reality, neither one took much convincing. I had a crush on him basically all of Senior year, and when he left on his mission we were just "really good friends" (probably due to the fact he never knew about the crush...). Somehow, between when he left on his mission, and when he got back, I squeezed my way past the friend zone without even trying! So just know ladies.... It's TOTALLY possible! ha! I still don't know how it happened, but it did!

 Zack is great, and we've been able to see each other every weekend that we possibly can! Being long distance sucks, but it sure does make for some good weekends!

This semester at College has been a fun one! I've made some great friends, learned I can stay up till 4 AM painting projects, and that to succeed, I have to work hard!

 As of today, I have all of my art projects finished and now only have two tests next week! I will then be able to be home for about a month and I couldn't be more excited!

I plan to keep this blog updated weekly, and if not, then every other week! My next post will be on Monday, and it will be about an essay that I wrote on the country's problem with Traffic!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Monday April 4, 2016 Hamburg, Germany

One of the only songs from home that I can remember is the "Days Go By" by Keith Urban. And even then it's just the chorus. But I like what it says cause it just expresses how I feel. Days go by, I can feel 'em flyin’ like a hand out the window in the wind. Cars go by, yeah it's all we've been given so we better start livin’ right now, cause days go by! (Bow nana na na na na nana na na that's what the guitar solo right after sounds like;)

But really, at the beginning of my mission I really could not even imagine myself in the last week of my mission. The days have very truly flown by! And I'm very grateful for every one of them. I may have not been thankful for them in the moment, but I sure am thankful for them now. They have made me into who I am. To tell you the truth, I feel like I'm not that different than I was before. Maybe it's just cause that was a long time go and I can't remember, but I think that it is because we don't change overnight. When I went into the MTC I was kind of shocked that we (missionaries) were just kind of still a bunch of high school students, just very reverent. I kind of just expected that once I was set apart that I would be a different person. That was not the case. I've spent the last couple weeks debating with myself if I've actually accomplished anything here. Why Heavenly Father sent me here. I've come to the conclusion that I needed this. The Lord could have done this work that I did here in Germany with any other person. But He chose me to do it because I needed it.

I have in fact made progress, it's just a little hard to see because I haven't been able to apply what I have learned into real daily life situations. I also have realized that I haven't just gone up in a straight and steady line of progression. I started at ground zero and progressed and plateaued and did it over and over and over again. When you’re on those plateaus it's a little hard to realize the true height you've reached. My goal these past 6 weeks was to make myself end my mission on a hill. I did NOT want to come home on a plateau. No way. And I think that I'm going to do it. Pushing yourself is always the hardest part. But I did it! I've been pushing myself, and Heavenly Father has been pushing me in ways that I didn't really expect. I found weaknesses that I've had my whole mission, but didn't realize them til now. It's just a real testimony to me that a mission is not going to be the only place or time in my life that will grow. Life goes on, and days will go by.

This week was crazy busy but we only taught s total of 2 lessons. We went to Berlin for a few conferences and went on austausch with STLT's. I got to work with Sister Sorensen for a day here in Hamburg and it was just like old times! I even got to eat pancakes at Brother Stephens’s house for the last time!

General conference has been great! I have seen everything but the Sunday afternoon! I will most likely see that next Sunday! I’m not in denial about coming home anymore, it will be very bitter sweet! But there is a time and a purpose to everything under the heavens and I guess that it's just my time to come home and apply what I've learned. We like to quote a saying here as missionaries (especially cause we are in Germany) that "the most important conversion on your mission is you!" I feel that I've truly accomplished this. Helaman 5:12 my foundation for my life is built on Jesus Christ and that's how it should be. I've learned to put my trust in him, to recognize and follow spiritual promptings immediately. This is my last and final testimony.... that He lives!

Liebe Grüße, Sister St. John

 Conferences in Berlin
 General Women's English
 Brother Stephens...we ate ALL those pancakes!
April Fools joke on President! Bring fruit to was funnier than it sounds!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Monday March 28, 2016 Hamburg, Germany

Well, this week the thing that I've been learning is that this is the Lord's work. I went on tausch twice this week. The last Tausch that we went on was with Sister Simpson and she and Sister Lichtenberg are both 4 weeks out and they were just on fire! They found 3 new investigators this night! Ok...mind you that they are literally 4 weeks out! That's it! Their German is way better than mine was, but not good enough to convince anyone with just their German. But they found 3 investigators! It is really just a testimony builder to me that it's truly the spirit that touches people!

We had another cool experience this week where a member invited a past investigator over and we had a wonderful how to begin teaching lesson! Sister Lichtenberg shared a beautiful testimony and it's amazing, cause in lessons her German improves like 100%! Just another testimony that the Lord can do his work. Yes, we will be the agents he uses, but He can do his work, and when we are striving to have the Spirit with us he will do his work!

Someone asked me today what the most important thing was that I've learned on my mission. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I think the most important thing I've learned is to trust God, to have confidence in Him. To just trust that He knows what He's doing! To trust and just go for it. You get a spiritual prompting, you go for it. You get and answer, you do it. Through that, I've learned to have confidence in myself, and for the right reasons! Non of this worldly confidence. Because it's the spiritual confidence that really helps. God cares way more about us than we think He does. He has a perfect love and understanding for us! We are here on the earth to learn and grow (I lacked in that area a little bit;) but also to have joy. We will have the greatest joy in life when we trust in Him!

I love you all so much! Only 2 more full weeks here in my mission! I'm going all out! We have crazy busy weeks and I'm very excited to make them the best weeks yet! Have a wonderful Springy week and I'll write next week!

Liebe Grüße, Sister St. John

 I love Sister Lichetenberg!
American football today with some YSA's, non members and missionaries! 

 Sunset from the bahn
Matching jackets and a blooming tree!

Monday March 21, 2016 Hamburg, Germany

Hello! This week was pretty exciting! I'll tell a few funny things that happened. And there were a couple of miracles too!  

On Monday we and the Altona sisters went to Ikea and we ate some food there and I just love Ikea so that was fun! However, the next morning we woke up and both just kinda looked at each other....We both didn't feel good! We had upset stomachs and durchfall (look it up) (we did and it’s diarrhea)! But we did not feel good! So we studied and took it easy for a little. Had a member appointment and we drank juice that was over a year old. Not the first time that's happened to me. But the funny part was that the Altona sisters didn't feel sick in the morning, but they called us in the middle of the day and were like...Yeah...We don't feel good anymore! Pretty funny! The food at Ikea just didn't sit well with any of us! Ha!  

We went on Tausch with the Kiel sisters and that was fun! It made the week go by real fast! But it was good. Like I've said before, I love getting to know the sisters that we get to serve around. They each have such different backgrounds and reasons for being on a mission. And they all have good tips for me when I go home. It's really interesting that everyone Heavenly Father puts into my life has such an influence on me. I go on Tausch with everyone that I'm supposed to! He knows exactly what I need in that moment!  

Friday we had an appointment with the family in our ward from Ecuador! A few weeks ago when I was with Sister Kronwitter we got a referral from them, however, we thought they only spoke Spanish. So we gave them to the Elders. Well, we show up on Friday and the family is there! 3 kids! And a mom! A FAMILY!! And they all speak perfect German and the mom actually has interest and a ton of questions about the family, and had already read in the Book of Mormon! We all ate dinner together and had a good little lesson! This family is so good! I'm excited to teach them! She gave us her number and asked us to come over this week! I'm really so so so excited!  

There's not much more to write about this week. We went finding a lot this week and it was really fun! Sister Lichtenberg loves it! Which is a great way to start out her mission!  

I love you all so much and wish you the best for this week! It's getting warmer here and I'm excited for Spring!  

Sorry dass mein Email so kurz war.... Ich muss mich auf die Sachen machen! Tschüss!! Sorry that my email was so short ....(I must be on the things to do! Bye)  

Liebe Grüße Sister St. John
 Ice creams!
Austausch dinner!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Monday March 14, 2016 Hamburg, Germany

Well folks, the sun does indeed exist in Hamburg!! It's beginning to look a little like Spring! Feel like spring...not so much! But look like spring yes!! :) 

My week! 

Dienstag: We went by some contacts and actually got in contact with a FAMILY!!! Except we need to go back cause the mom wasn't home. I'm pumped for that one though! We had ZTM and my trainee is awesome and got to give a thema with me IN GERMAN about daily planning. We are pros now! And we also had Nicola! Sch. Steinbieß came with us. I'm kind of frustrated because Nicola just won’t do anything we ask her too, but she's so good in lessons. I don't know what to do for people! 

Mittwoch: A less active appointment fell out...sad. We did some really good finding though! It was good to just have an hour or two for it. We actually ended up having a white day and it was super weird cause that happens how often these days...never! Man...those days in Halle where we just had day after day of finding! That was like Zion’s camp! (missionaries, please tell me you have seen this video!) 

Donnerstag: We had a less active that wanted to meet with us! So we went over and she is a little mentally ill, but it was good just to visit with her. When we train or are being trained we have an extra hour of studying for the 12 week program. It’s been really cool for me to go through that again this transfer and remember all the basics. We also tausched with Lübeck! I stayed here with Sister Bolinger and we taught Ken. We haven't met with him in forever but we are really trying to have him meet with us more regularly so he can start making some progress! 

Freitag: We taught Philippa because she was going to the temple later that day!! WHAT?!  SO exciting! And guess what?! We helped her print off 12 names from her own family tree to be baptized for! And those were just the women! I'll send a pic of her! We were so excited for her! We went by on a less active that doesn't live there anymore. This day during personal study I looked at my calendar and started crying. It finally hit that I’m actually coming home. I've been a wreck ever since. But I can usually keep myself together until the end of the day. So that's good! 

Samstag: Comfort! Who wasn't drunk! We taught her the first lesson and taught about how we made a promise at baptism and when we sin, we break it. The only way to renew that is through the sacrament. We also talked to Andrea about that this day also! It was really good and I haven't felt the spirit in lessons with them in a long time. We also did weekly planning which I began to not like again. I just want to be out doing stuff!!! 

Sonntag: church! It was such a good sacrament meeting for me! A seemly new returned missionary talked and I learned a whole lot! We ate with a newly married couple and that was also really fun! They are funny!! 

Well...I’ve been studying a lot about faith. Because I’ve been realizing that Sister Lichtenberg has a lot more faith than I do and when we have faith then miracles will happen! 

I love you and hope that you have a good week! Thanks for praying for our investigators! They are all suddenly doing a whole lot better! 

Liebe Grüße, Sister St. John

 Phillipa and her temple names!
 A building!
 A normal street.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Monday March 7, 2016 Hamburg, Germany

Moin Moin (Hello Hello)! I'm finally back in Hamburg! My new comp, Sister Lichtenberg is here and moved in! She's from Michigan, went to BYU Idaho for a year and is now here. We get along great and I'm really excited to have her. A few things that I've already realized from having a new companion is how much excitement and faith I have lost! She has so much faith that things will just work out. I'm really excited to see how this transfer works out. We are ready for miracles to come! 
As you know, I was kind of a travel gypsy this week! Going from one city to another with a couple different companions. Monday through Thursday I was with Sister Curry in Freiberg. I got to see all of the finishers before they went home and also Frau Dhillon and LUCY!!! So that was really fun! Sister Curry and I also gave about 6 or 7 temple place tours where we explain why we have temples and what they are etc. One of the tours was to Sister Kronwitter’s parents. It was one of the coolest experiences that I have had while being here. They are not members and this was one of the first times they had really gotten to know what the temple was all about. After we watched a little video we asked them how they felt. They both said that they felt peaceful and that they could imagine that's how it feels inside the temple. Super cool to see the Spirit work on people. 

On Thursday we got our companions! Sister Lichtenberg is wonderful and was speaking German with me right from the start! We got to spend one more night in Freiberg together with Sister Curry and her trainee. The next day we DROVE!! (I love being in a car!) to Berlin and Sister Curry and I went to MLC. Our little comps went out on the streets in Berlin and just talked to people! Totally awesome! I would have been terrified! But they said it was fun! Then, we took a train back to HAMBURG! Finally!! The Elders were nice and helped us with the suitcases all the way up our 75 stairs! 

Samstag: We tried to pack a whole weeks’ worth of stuff into one day and surprise, we were late to everything! It worked out ok and we got a few good lessons in! 

Sonntag: Sister Lichtenberg gave an awesome testimony in sacrament meeting! We had a good lesson with David, asked him what he expected from us meeting with him/the purpose of him meeting with us. He uh...didn't know. So we told him to pray and think about it and we will talk to him next week about it! (BAPTISM!!!!) I feel like he could get baptized before I leave! Pray for him! 

As of today...I may or may not have sent an almost 20 pound package home! It has all my study journals, presents from ward members, letters, pictures, planners, chocolate, ect. All in there! Pray that it doesn't get lost! It could also very well get there after I get home! (That would be funny!) We are planning on going to Ikea and getting food there and just chillin! (Plus I love looking at house stuff so why not go there?) 

I hope you have a fantastic week! I’m learning a ton about the basics of missionary work. It's bringing back many memories of me when I was brand new! It’s always good to go back to the basics. There's a talk from Pres. Uchtdorf about keeping things simple. Remember to keep it simple and remember the things that really matter! 

Love You! 
Liebe Grüße, Sister St. John

 Sister Curry and me!
 Look who it is! Lucy! Just like old times!
 Snowy Freiberg!
This is Sister Sanders. She's serving with her husband in Dresden and I met her
in Freiberg. She knows both sets of grandparents cause she lived on the same
street in Orem! She's in the process of translating some records from my
ancestors from old German to English! Cool!
 We helped a cute family this week!
 New companion - Sister Lichtenberg!